5 Tips to Building a New Habit (and sticking to it!)
Good habits can not only improve your quality of life but make life easier! Once a good habit is formed, you’ll spend less time self negotiating and more time living. With these 5 tips you can see building a new habit takes work, but isn’t impossible when you set your mind to it!!
Step One: Know Your “Why”
WHY do you want to make this new habit a part of your routine? Make the response strong. Think about this answer when you need some extra motivation to stick to it.
Step Two: Start Small
Make the first step towards this new habit super easy so there’s no excuse to skip it! You can always build up to a bigger goal as you go and then it doesn’t seem so scary when you’re first starting.
Example: If you want to make daily workouts a new habit, start by incorporating two workouts per week into your routine and add small increments each week until you reach your set goal.
Step Three: Link Two Activities Together
Think about something you already do regularly that you can link to your new habit and use that old activity as a reminder to do the new one!
Example: When you brush your teeth, moisture your skin! Leave your moisturizer next to your tooth brush as a reminder!
Step Four: Find an Accountability Partner
Find a friend you can check in with to make sure you’re showing up for your new habit! If you are both are working towards a goal (the same or different!) together, it will make the journey more fun!
Step Five: Don’t Expect Perfection
Find yourself slipping up or forgetting? Don’t beat yourself up for it!! Instead, shake it off and get right back into it. Forgive yourself and move on… progress, not perfection… that’s what we’re looking for!
Want a way to track your progress on building a new habit, let me help you!! The truth is… balance is key. As a business owner, it's easy to get lost in your work. But if you're not taking care of you, there will be no one left to steer the ship.
Use this FREE habit tracker for accountability to a better business and a better you!