Book Recap: The High 5 Habit

The High 5 Habit

Take Control of your Life with One Simple Habit

Author: Mel Robbins

This book in a nutshell? You’re already supporting those around you. It’s time to cheer for yourself!

So what is the High 5 Habit?

A high 5 to yourself every morning. Yes, that simple. (Although there are some other great actions to add to your morning routine.) The action of giving yourself a high 5 each morning not only sends a positive message mentally, but is reenforced with a physical action! Stay with me here, because the book dives much deeper than that…The High 5 Habit is more importantly about your relationship with yourself and how that affects all other relationships and areas of your life. The classic “love yourself” but with a genuine delivery and a scientific backing.

There are some great challenges to see just how the mind works and how much control we really do have over it. Robbins’ action items to prove this show immediate results and have you quickly buying into her cause. It’s not just about telling yourself a positive narrative but how to believe it and make it a reality.

The High 5 Habit touches on past trauma and how those emotions affect our present day mindset. Even on other not-so-pretty pain points that hold us back like guilt, fear, and anxiety. This is done in such a delicate way that doesn’t feel intrusive and is supported with Robbins’ own personal stories.

I personally had a lot of great takeaways from this book. It’s a perfect read if you’re in a place of transition, making tough decisions, or need a refresher in self-love. I wanted to share a few “Meaningful Mantras” from the book that I loved. I use mantras daily for journaling, meditation, or just written out on post-its that hang around my work space!

Here are a few that spoke to me (Thanks, Mel!):

I deserve to feel good today.

I have my own back.

What broke my heart opened my eyes.

I will figure this out.

I am allowed to be a work in progress.

This scares me and I’m doing it anyway.

I choose to focus on what I can control.

This moment is temporary.

If I put in the work, it will happen.

I’m okay. I’m safe. I’m loved.

Learn to break the toxic habit of talking to yourself in a negative way & start cheering yourself on with The High 5 Habit!



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